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Day Care


Currently we have 16 cameras installed all over the school property.  The main purpose of these cameras is for safety and security.

CCTV protects Duckie Dell Daycare / Pre-School’s assets against vandalism and theft. It enhances our school security system by providing surveillance on school grounds and classrooms. The presence of these cameras deters theft, misconduct and inappropriate behavior and also reassures all learners, staff and visitors that they are protected on our school grounds.

The CCTV cameras are used to:

  • Prevent and verify incidents involving criminal behavior, misconduct or inappropriate behavior.

  • Verify other incidents (injuries, loss or damage on school premises).

  • Visual coverage during emergencies.

The CCTV cameras are NOT:

  • Hidden.

  • Located in private areas such as toilets, changing rooms or staff rooms.

  • Used to monitor learner or staff work performance.

Location of CCTV cameras in our school:

Notices are displayed all over the school which alerts people to the presence of the cameras.

Access to CCTV footage.

CCTV footage is only accessed for the purposes set out and only by the following people:

  • The Owners, Principal or nominee, including people explicitly authorized by the Owner or Principal.

  • Any other people permitted by the law.

The screen share is located in the main entrance and the school office.

Showing footage to staff, learners and / or their parents involved in incidents.       

The principal may show specific footage of an incident to those directly involved, including relevant staff, learners and / or their parents.

This means that any person on school premises may be captured on CCTV footage of an incident or incident that the Owner or Principal may subsequently show to staff, learners and / or their parents.

The school cannot give copies of CCTV footage to staff, learners, parents or any other parties.  Permission must be granted from the Information Regulator to release these copies.

Managing and securing the CCTV system.

The Owner and Principal or their nominee is responsible for managing and securing the CCTV system including:

  • Operation of the CCTV system and ensuring that it complies with this policy.

  • Considering the appropriate location and use of cameras and method for storing CCTV footage

  • Maintaining and upgrading cameras when required.

Storage of footage:

CCTV footage is kept for no more than 31 days.  If Duckie Dell Daycare / Pre-School has not used CCTV footage in any of the ways set out above and there has been no request to view or access footage during this period, the footage is deleted by the system automatically.

Where CCTV footage has been used to verify an incident or where it is required to be retained for legal reasons, our school will manage and securely retain the footage in accordance with the POPI Act.

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